Largest Collection of Dog Memorabilia

Name: Mr. Pradip Kumar Janawade
Place: Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
Record title: Largest Collection of Dog Memorabilia

The World Record of Collecting ‘largest collection of Dog memorabilia’ has been achieved by Mr. Pradip Kumar Janawade from Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

As on March 07, 2014; Mr. Janawade has a collection of 900 (Nine Hundred) dog memorabilia consist of stamp tickets, posters, stickers, books, models, toys, wall hangings, mugs, pen holders, telephone set, night lamp, show pieces etc.

World Record- Guinness World Records
World Record- Golden Book of World Records
National Record- Limca Book of Records No
World Record Participation Yes